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【檔案名稱】:Pocket Killbox v2.0.0.881-幫您刪除 Windows 檔案總管不允許您刪除的程式
【檔案大小】:348 KB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows All

幫您刪除 Windows 檔案總管不允許您刪除的程式
Pocket Killbox 應用程式幫您跨越 Windows 檔案總管的界限限制,刪除通常您不會被授予存取權限的項目。
底下為電腦的任何使用者至少遇過一次的情形:當您嘗試刪除某些檔案或資料夾時,Windows 會提示您,因為權限限制而不允許您做刪除動作。
無論您是想擺脫頑固的舊垃圾或只是要試驗刪除 Windows 無法刪除的檔案,您將會喜歡 Pocket Killbox。您的資料絕不會有危險。在將檔案粉碎成碎片前,Pocket Killbox 自動進行備份,讓您稍後可以刪除或還原。在這種情況下,您是安全的,如果您不小心刪除重要的檔案。
總之,Pocket Killbox 依我們的標準來說是相當出色的。它解決了「您沒有權限刪除這個檔案」的那些煩人案例。它易於使用、直觀和便於攜帶。
Allows you to erase programs that Windows Explorer doesn't allow you to remove
Pocket Killbox is an application that allows you to cross the boundaries imposed by Windows Explorer, by erasing items that normally you’re not granted permission to.
Here's a scenario that any computer user got acquainted with at least once: when you try to delete a certain file or folder, Windows prompts you that you're not allowed to due to permission restrictions.
Whether you want to get rid of stubborn old junk, or just experiment with Windows' unremovable files, you are going to love Pocket Killbox. Your data is in no way in danger. Before shredding a file to pieces, Pocket Killbox automatically makes a backup that you can later delete or restore. In this case, you're safe if you accidentally delete essential files.
There are several deletion modes: standard, delete on reboot (requires a computer restart for the changes to take effect) or replace on reboot (includes the option of using a dummy file). For gaining extra space on your computer, the application provides you with an option to remove temporary files. 
As an extra feature, you can also monitor processes and end tasks. 
In conclusion, Pocket Killbox is pretty outstanding, by our standards. It solves those annoying cases of ‘You don't have permissions to delete this file’. It's easy to use, intuitive and portable.

3.所提供的中文化軟體大多為便攜免安裝版,不會對您的電腦做任何修改,倘若從 MEGA 免空以外之前所提供的免空下載檔案後執行時還需要您下載任何檔案時請立即回報,將儘速修正免空載點(現有許多免空載點都會自行加料或許要求您下載其專屬下載器才能下載檔案)。
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