【檔案名稱】:MP3Gain v1.2.5(穩定版)-將您所有的 MP3 檔案調成相同音量
【檔案大小】:4.39 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows All
相信大家大都會遇過這樣的問題,從網路上下載的 MP3 歌曲,常常會有音量大小不一的情況,有些很大聲但有些卻幾乎聽不見,讓人聽起來既不舒服又不方便,因為換聽另一首歌曲可能還要再重新調整一次音量,相當麻煩。現在有了這一套 MP3Gain 的免費軟體可以輕鬆地幫您將每一首歌曲都調整成相同的音量,這樣就不會再發生歌曲音量忽大忽小的情況了。
幫您分析並調整 MP3 檔案,使得它們具有相同的音量。
該程式具有簡單易用的介面。您可以透過加入檔案或加入包含 MP3 檔案的資料夾到佇列來開始使用。
以上佇列中,您可以輸入您要的音量值,一您按下「曲目音量」按鈕,將由 MP3Gain 來作變更。最後,您可以聽聽輸出檔案並決定聲音是否太大聲或安靜。
Analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume.
MP3Gain is a tool that can adjust the volume of your MP3 files.
The program has a simple and user-friendly interface. You can start by adding files or folders which contain MP3 files to the queue.
Press the "Track Analysis" button, so that the application can analyze the files and make a report on their current volume level. You should write down this value in case you want to revert the volume of an audio track after it has been modified.
Above the queue you can input your preferred volume value that will be taken into account by MP3Gain once you hit the "Track Gain" button. Finally, you can listen to the output files and decide whether the sound is too loud or quiet.
If you are not satisfied with the results, you can use "Track Gain" again, after inputting the new "Target Normal Volume" level.
Furthermore, you can make multiple audio tracks have the same average volume, by switching from "Track Analysis" to "Album Analysis", and from "Track Gain" to "Album Gain". But you can also apply "Constant Gain" (specify an absolute gain change in dB instead of a "Target Volume", by adjusting a slider).
The application uses a low amount of system memory, has a well-drawn help file (with tutorials and snapshots), displays a log file in case of errors (e.g. if you are trying to apply "Track Gain" on an MP3 file that's currently playing) and didn't freeze or crash during our tests. We strongly recommend MP3Gain to all users.
主檔上傳 VirusTotal 掃瞄結果(少數防毒軟體報毒乃加殼所致;喜歡、敢用者請下載使用,不喜歡、不敢用者沒人強迫您們使用請勿下載)如下:
主檔上傳 VirusTotal 掃瞄結果(少數防毒軟體報毒乃加殼所致;喜歡、敢用者請下載使用,不喜歡、不敢用者沒人強迫您們使用請勿下載)如下: