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【檔案名稱】:SuperAntiSpyware v6.0.1164-間諜、廣告、惡意、木馬、鍵盤記錄木馬程式...掃瞄清除程式
【檔案大小】:10.3 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows All
SUPERAntiSpyware 是市場上掃瞄最徹底的掃瞄程式,其多維掃瞄和進程審訊技術將偵測出其他產品所偵測不出的間諜軟體!SUPERAntiSpyware 將刪除所有間諜軟體,而不僅僅只是刪除簡單的間諜軟體而已!
新增功能!電子郵件通知:設定 SUPERAntiSpyware 向您發送一封包含具體行動結果的電子郵件。遠端監控系統的健康度(一間小辦公室內的電腦等...)*
修復損壞的網際網路連線、桌面、系統登錄編輯、工作管理員和更多包含我們獨特的修復系統!間諜軟體應用程式通常會停用系統元件以防止被刪除 SUPERAntiSpyware 在幾秒鐘內重設並還原這些項目!
SUPERAntiSpyware 是下一代的掃瞄系統,超越了以掃瞄方法為基礎的典型規則。我們的多維掃瞄系統透過分析代碼模式威脅特性偵測存在的威脅,以及未來的威脅。
SUPERAntiSpyware 擁有獨特的進程審訊技術(PIT),不管它們藏身在您的系統上都能偵測到威脅。許多新類型的威脅利用 "Rootkits" 或「內核驅動程式」來隱藏自己,以避免標準的防間諜軟體偵測到。SUPERAntiSpyware 的進程審訊技術即使最艱難的威脅也能偵測到。
專門的威脅研究團隊 / 每日更新
SUPERAntiSpyware 設有專門的威脅研究團隊,每日搜尋網路並分析數以千計的可能威脅,透過每天提供定義更新來提供最新的保護。
* 表示僅在 SUPERAntiSpyware 專業版中可用的功能
SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough scanner on the market. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning and Process Interrogation Technology will detect spyware that other products miss! SUPERAntiSpyware will remove Spyware, NOT just the easy ones!
Benefits and Features
Quick, Complete and Custom Scanning of Hard Drives, Removable Drives, Memory, Registry, Individual Folders and More! Includes Trusting Items and Excluding
Folders for complete customization of scanning!
Detect and Remove Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, Dialers, Worms, KeyLoggers, HiJackers and many other types of threats.
New! System Investigator: Find out what's running on your PC! Show installed applications, browser plugins and more! Optional change highlighting lets you track modifications to your system over time.*
New! E-mail Notifications: Configure SUPERAntiSpyware to send you an e-mail with the results from specific actions. Monitor the health of systems remotely (family members, computers in a small office, etc.)*
Real-Time Blocking of threats! Prevent potentially harmful software from installing or re-installing!*
Schedule either Quick, Complete or Custom Scans Daily or Weekly to ensure your computer is free from harmful software.*
Repair broken Internet Connections, Desktops, Registry Editing, Task Manager and more with our unique Repair System! Spyware applications often disable system components to prevent removal - SUPERAntiSpyware resets and restores these items in seconds!
Quarantine items detected and removed for complete protection. Items in the quarantine may be restored to your computer if desired.
Detailed scan logs with complete information about detected and removed threats and their locations within your computer. Scan logs allow you to review scheduled scan results at any time.
Advanced Detection and Removal
Multi-Dimensional Scanning
SUPERAntiSpyware is a next generation scanning system that goes beyond the typical rules based scanning methods. Our Multi-Dimensional Scanning system detects existing threats as well as threats of the future by analyzing threat characteristics in addition to code patterns.
Process Interrogation Technology
SUPERAntiSpyware features our unique Process Interrogation Technology (PIT) that allows threats to be detected no matter where they are hiding on your system. Many new types of threats utilize "Rootkits" or "Kernel Drivers" to hide themselves to avoid detection by standard anti-spyware applications.
SUPERAntiSpyware's Process Interrogation Technology locates even the toughest of threats.
Dedicated Threat Research Team / Daily Updates
SUPERAntiSpyware features a dedicated threat research team that scours the web daily and analyzes thousands of possible threats to provide the most up to date protection available by providing daily definition updates.
* Denotes feature available only in SUPERAntiSpyware Professional Edition
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