【檔案名稱】:GridinSoft Trojan Killer v2.2.6.0-專業的木馬查殺工具
【檔案大小】:45.9 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows XP / XP 64 bit / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit

Trojan Killer 是專門來停用或刪除惡意軟體,無需使用者手動編輯系統檔或系統登錄而設計的。該程式還刪除了一些惡意軟體所做額外的系統修改,這被一些標準的防毒掃瞄程式所忽略。Trojan Killer 掃瞄所有廣告軟體、間諜軟體、遠端存取特洛伊木馬、網路蠕蟲和其他惡意軟體在啟動時載入的檔案。Trojan Killer 工作確保電腦系統的安全。我們建議的產品,幫助您擺脫煩人的廣告軟體、惡意軟體和其他粗糙的工具。這是非常重要的,儘快恢復您電腦的控制權,不允許任何人使用您的資料。
專為自動清除病毒、殭屍病毒、間諜軟體、鍵盤記錄木馬程式、特洛伊木馬程式、流氓軟體和後門程式,而無需手動編輯系統檔案或系統登錄,另外,Trojan Killer 另外修復被惡意軟體所做的系統修改,遺憾的是,往往被一些最受歡迎的防毒掃瞄程式所忽視。
您的電腦感染了病毒或特洛伊木馬嗎?您在隨意瀏覽網路後有問題嗎?不要絕望!Trojan Killer 可以協助您!Trojan Killer 將執行完全清理您的系統免受病毒感染,並會幫助您恢復您電腦的理想效能。
• 重設 Internet Explorer 首頁/開始/搜尋頁面的設定
某些惡意軟體為了將網頁瀏覽器重新導向到不同的網站而變更 Internet Explorer 的首頁、開始和搜尋頁面的設定。
• 重設 HOSTS 檔
Windows HOSTS 檔為一個文字檔,其中儲存網站的位址。該檔可用來加快存取您經常造訪網站的速度 - 透過它的 DNS 地址等同的網站名稱(例如,網頁瀏覽器可以更快找到該網站,就算它沒有查詢 DNS 名稱伺服器。
• 重設 Windows 更新原則
某些惡意軟體嘗試阻止 Windows 更新的執行,並透過使更新配置畫面上的 Windows Update 選項消失來禁止存取重設 Windows Update。
此實用程式將檢查目前的 Windows 更新設定,並在必要時更正。
15 天免費試用。經實地測試 Trojan Killer 能偵測出目前正流行的惡意軟體並予以刪除來幫您解決問題。若能檢測出您所感染的惡意軟體,建議購買授權讓它能隨時協助您刪除電腦所感染的惡意軟體。

Trojan Killer is designed specifically to disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes the additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by some standard antivirus scanners. Trojan Killer scans ALL the files loaded at boot time for Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Internet Worms and other malware. Trojan Killer works in the field of system security to ensure safety for computer systems. We propose products to help you get rid of annoying adware, malware and other rough tools. It is very important to restore control on your computer as soon as possible and do not allow anyone to use your data.
Developed specifically for automatic removal of viruses, bots, spyware, keyloggers, trojans, scareware and rootkits without the need to manually edit system files or registry, Trojan Killer additionally fixes system modifications that were introduced by malware and which, regretfully, are often ignored by some popular antivirus scanners.
Is your computer infected with viruses or Trojans? Do you have problems after surfing the Internet? Do not despair! We can assist you! Trojan Killer will perform the complete cleanup of your system from viruses and will help you restore the ideal performance of your PC.
Additional Tools
• Reset Internet Explorer Home/Start/Search Page Settings
Some Malware programs make changes to the Internet Explorer Home, Start and Search Page settings in order to re-direct the web browser to different websites.
This Utility will reset the Home/Start/Search pages to standard Defaults. You can then manually reset your Home Page to your website of choice (or leave it "blank", the default).
• Reset HOSTS file
The Windows HOSTS file is a text file which stores website addresses. The file can be used to speed up access to websites you visit often - by equating the
website name (e.g. with its DNS address, the web browser can find the website more quickly as it does not have to query a DNS Name Server.
Some Malware programs add entries to this file, to either deny access to websites (usually security-related or antivirus company websites), or to re-direct
access to websites of their choosing.
• Reset Windows Update Policies
Some Malware programs attempt to prevent Windows Update from running, and inhibit access to resetting Windows Update by blanking out the Windows Update options on the Update configuration screen.
This Utility will check the current Windows Update settings and correct them where necessary.
3.所提供的中文化軟體大多為便攜免安裝版,不會對您的電腦做任何修改,倘若從 MEGA 免空以外之前所提供的免空下載檔案後執行時還需要您下載任何檔案時請立即回報,將儘速修正免空載點(現有許多免空載點都會自行加料或許要求您下載其專屬下載器才能下載檔案)。