【檔案名稱】:oCam v11.5-免費螢幕錄影、抓圖工具
【檔案大小】:16.4 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows XP / Vista / XP X64 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64 / 8 32-bit / 8 64-bit
oCam 是一套用來幫助使用者作螢幕錄影或擷取其桌面螢幕,並能指定區域大小的應用程式。本應用程式擷取螢幕有兩種模式:全螢幕或指定區域。
oCam 也能夠擷取您電腦目前正在播放的聲音。滑鼠游標能包含在輸出記錄中。
底下為 oCam 的一些主要功能:
· 使用者可使用已安裝在您電腦上的視訊轉碼器來作螢幕錄影。
· 螢幕錄影時可選擇多種音質。
· 可作螢幕擷取。
· 可作電腦螢幕、視訊錄影。
· 您可以從您的電腦錄製聲音。
· 錄影時,可以設定將滑鼠游標包括在內。
· oCam 支援雙顯示器。
· 在 IE 瀏覽器中的 Flash,可以選擇目的區域。
· 可以從 FPS 設定中作喜好設定。
· 可設定時間限制,達到時自動結束錄影。
· 錯誤報告可提供給開發人員。
· 錄影結果可以儲存在指定的資料夾中,您可以選擇。
Screen recorder and snapshot utility
oCam is a handy and useful application designed to help users record or capture their desktop screen and specify the area size.The application is able to capture in two modes: full screen or specified area.
oCam is also able to capture the sounds currently playing on your computer. The mouse cursor can be included in the output recording.
Here are some key features of "oCam":
· Video codecs installed on your computer by selecting the user can record.
· A variety of sound quality when recording can be selected.
· Screen capture is possible.
· Computer screen, video recording is possible.
· Recording sound from your computer as you can.
· During recording, the mouse cursor can be set to be included.
· oCam dual-monitor support.
· Flash in the IE browser, the target area can be selected.
· Preferences from the FPS setting is possible.
· Automatically recording the end of recording timeout function is available.
· Bug reporting is available to developers.
· Record the results can be stored in a specific folder, you have the option.
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