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【檔案名稱】:Auslogics Disk Defrag v4.5.5.0-極速磁碟重組工具
【檔案大小】:20.6 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows XP / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit / 2008 / 2008 64 bit
Auslogics Disk Defrag,可以分析/重組硬碟的分散碎片,重組速度相當快,重組完成後還會出現統計資訊,告訴你重組後所減少的分散率,操作簡單、介面簡潔並且可以在重組完成後自動關機,可以選取指定的檔案或資料夾來執行重組,也有排程自動重組功能,它的重組及排程重組都可以一次選擇多個分割區,相當方便。
使用防毒軟體來確保您的電腦順利和正常運作是不夠的。時常檢查您硬碟上的錯誤是一個好的主意。您的作業系統內建實用工具,可讓您能夠執行這樣的任務,但您也可以使用更高級的應用程式,如 Auslogics Disk Defrag。
Powerful, user-friendly and fast software that can be used to defragment files and move your system files to the fastest part of the disk
Using an antivirus to ensure a smooth and proper functioning of your computer is not enough. Every now and then it is a good idea to check your hard disk drive for errors. Your operating system comes equipped with utilities that enable you to perform such tasks, but you may also use more advanced applications such as Auslogics Disk Defrag.
Lightweight and easy to user
Surprisingly, the application does not use a great amount of your system's resources in order to do its job. Putting it to the test, even with priority set
to high, you can still continue working on your projects, while the application performs its tasks.
The interface is cleverly designed to let nearly anyone accommodate in a jiffy. A list displays connected storage devices, to which you can perform several operations, found either in the toolbar, or right-clicking on the desired device. Additionally, you can integrate these features in the explorer context menu for enhanced ease of access.
Schedule events for better time management
One of the most important features the application comes equipped with is the scheduler. Once enabled, you are able to fully customize when and what should be performed. You can set the application to run its processes when the computer is idle for a given amount of time, daily, weekly, as well as monthly.
Besides basic defragmentation, the application lets you run an optimization process, considerably increasing your hard disc drive's efficiency. All features can also be applied for both integrated or removable drives.
Accessing the options menu lets you customize the way clusters are displayed and you can choose different color schemes or have bars displayed instead of squares.
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