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【檔案名稱】:RegSeeker Portable v2.57.2212-登錄檔搜尋/清理、軟體移除、啟動、系統最佳化調整、電腦資訊檢測…多合一工具

【檔案大小】:1.75 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows XP / XP 64 bit / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit

RegSeeker 登錄檔搜尋/清理、軟體移除、啟動、系統最佳化調整、電腦資訊檢測…多合一工具
RegSeeker Portable 整合了登錄檔搜尋/清理、軟體移除、啟動、隱私控管、系統最佳化調整和使用介面最佳化、電腦資訊檢測…等功能於一身。是一套功能多合一的小工具。內建的「啟動」管理工具除了能列出一般的啟動項目之外,還能顯示隨開機啟動的服務或驅動程式…等項目。另外「電腦最佳化調整」管理工具裡面也包含了一些相當熱門且實用的系統調整選項。
RegSeeker Portable 旨在幫助使用者管理登錄機碼,並啟用或停用啟動應用程式。
這樣一來,記憶體被不必要的項目所佔用,可能會減慢電腦的整體效能。RegSeeker Portable 使您可以完全控制登錄機碼,並允許您刪除垃圾檔。
RegSeeker Portable 讓使用者執行搜尋某些機碼、套用篩選(例如 HKEY_USERS,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE),或僅搜尋受保護的機碼。
更重要的是,您可以檢視電腦上安裝的應用程式和 Windows 啟動項,其能被啟用、停用或被刪除,以及存取無效的項目。
當涉及到隱私操作時,該應用程式可以讓您從 IE 清理快取 cookie,檢視舊的啟動項和垃圾檔,以及清理 MRU 機碼的清單。基於安全原因,該程式有備份功能,可以在開始刪除
總而言之,RegSeeker Portable 提供一系列便利的參數來幫助您刪除登錄機碼,這樣一來就能提高電腦的效能。
A compact and portable application that helps users delete Registry keys, perform search operations for a certain key, and create a list with their favorite ones
RegSeeker Portable is a straightforward application designed to help users manage Registry entries, and enable or disable startup applications. 
Each program installed on your computer creates Registry entries that are not removed when uninstalling them. 
This way, the memory is occupied with unnecessary items that may slow down the overall performance of the PC. RegSeeker Portable gives you full control over the Registry items and lets you delete the junk files. 
Since this is the portable version of the program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry. You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to delete Registry items on the breeze. 
RegSeeker Portable sports a clean and intuitive layout that gives users the possibility to perform searches for a certain key, apply filters (e.g. HKEY_USERS, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), or search only for protected keys.
The program comes packed with several dedicated tools for managing the found keys, as you can delete or rename them, modify binary data, create a list with favorite keys, design an exclusion list, or delete the selected items. 
What’s more, you can view the applications installed on the computer and Windows startup items, which can be enabled, disabled, or deleted, as well as access invalid entries. 
When it comes to privacy operations, the application lets you clean cache cookies from IE, view a list with old startup items and junk files, as well as clean the MRU keys. For security reason, the program features a backup mode which can be activated before starting the deletion process. 
The cleaning operation of getting rid of all Registry entries may take some time, and it is recommended to create a system restore point before proceeding with this task, as some errors may appear due to missing keys. 
All in all, RegSeeker Portable offers a handy set of parameters for helping you delete Registry keys, and this way enhance the performance of the computer.

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