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【檔案名稱】:Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit v1.07.0.1009 Beta-偵測並刪除您電腦中的 rootkit
【檔案大小】:27.2 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows XP / XP 64 bit / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 7 / 7 64 bit / 8 / 8 64 bit

一套實際、有用且有效的軟體,其可偵測並刪除您電腦中的 rootkit,同時保護您的系統
Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit 是一套全面、可靠的應用程式,其主要目的是保護您的檔案和電腦免受 rootkit 攻擊並修復這些惡意病毒的存在所造成的損害。
Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit 滿足此種需要。透過使用此工具,您可以儘量減少暴露於資料被盜和被駭客入侵,最大限度地提高網路正常執行時間,並保護您的系統。
透過使用 Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit,您可以偵測和消除所有形式的惡意程式碼,包括病毒、特洛伊木馬程式、廣告軟體和 rootkit 的可能性。掃瞄過程完成後,您可以透過點擊 'Cleanup' 按鈕來刪除這些類型的系統感染。
雖然掃瞄您的所有檔案和硬碟的時間比你想像的稍長一點,Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit 盡責地完成其工作,並在偵測到感染 rootkit 時通知您。
A practical, useful and effective software utility that detects and removes rootkits from your computer, while protecting your system
Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit is a comprehensive and reliable application whose main purpose is to protect your files and computer against rootkit attacks and repair the damage caused by the presence of these malicious viruses.
These rootkits are designed to hide the existence of certain processes and programs, so your computer performance might get lower day by day. Also, taking into consideration that cyber attacks become more sophisticated each day, your system will be more vulnerable if you do not ensure complete security.
Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit meets this need. By using this utility, you have the possibility to minimize the exposure to data theft and hacking, maximize network uptime and protect your system.
Because it comes with a proactive scanning engine and with reliable malware detection and removal options, the application stops malicious processes before they even start.
The main window is very simple and enables you to start the scanning process in seconds. It displays detailed information about the scanned partitions while continuously protecting your system.
By using Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit you have the possibility to detect and eliminate all forms of malware including viruses, trojans, adware and rootkits.
After the scanning process is finished, you can remove these kinds of system infections by hitting the ‘Cleanup’ button.
Although the process of scanning all your files and hard drives takes a little longer than you might expect, Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit does its job well done and notifies you if rootkit infections are met.
Because the application is specially designed to run alongside your existing security solution, it does not interfere with other installed software and preservers workstation performance with a small system footprint.
主檔上傳 VirusTotal 掃瞄結果(少數防毒軟體報毒乃加殼所致;喜歡、敢用者請下載使用,不喜歡、不敢用者沒人強迫您們使用請勿下載)如下:
3.所提供的中文化軟體大多為便攜免安裝版,不會對您的電腦做任何修改,倘若從 MEGA 免空以外之前所提供的免空下載檔案後執行時還需要您下載任何檔案時請立即回報,將儘速修正免空載點(現有許多免空載點都會自行加料或許要求您下載其專屬下載器才能下載檔案)。
MEGA 免空載點(倘若無法下載,請用 MEGA 官方建議的 Google Chrome 瀏覽器下載):
