【檔案名稱】:Hiren's BootCD v13.0 - 經典萬用超級開機工具光碟
【檔案大小】:379 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows All
常用的 Windows、DOS 系統工具大全集,包括從磁碟分割、複製、防毒、資料救援、硬體檢測到硬碟維護、DOS 和 Windows 應用軟體方面的一張開機光碟,讓你一碟在手搞定各種電腦。
Hiren's Boot CD 是一套開機光碟,其包含各式各樣的診斷程式,例如:磁碟分割、系統效能測試、磁碟複製以及映像工具、資料救援工具、MBR 工具、BIOS 工具以及許多其他修復不同電腦問題的工具。它是可開機光碟; 因此即使在無法進入作業系統的情況下仍可使用。Hiren's Boot CD 具有軟體的詳盡清單。此光碟還擁有像 XPE 的功能可讓您在作業系統故障的情況下藉由此光碟開機模擬 XP 作業系統來拯救自己所需的重要資料。
Hiren's BootCD - 合而為一的 DOS 開機光碟擁有底下這些工具程式: 磁碟分割工具、磁碟複製工具、防毒工具、復原修復工具、復原修復工具、測試工具硬碟工具等等...
v12.0 到 v13.0 的軟體變更如下:
7-Zip 9.20, Astra 5.48, Autoruns 10.06, Avira AntiVir Personal (31-12-2010), BlueScreenView 1.30, CCleaner 3.02.1343, ComboFix (31-12-2010), CurrPorts 1.85, Defraggler 2.01.239, Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (31-12-2010), DriveImage XML 2.20, FastCopy 2.06, GPU-Z 0.5.0, grub4dos 2010-12-25, HBCD Customizer 1.5, HBCD Program Launcher 2.0, HDD Low Level Format Tool (Fixed issues with MiniXp), IE PassView 1.25, IrfanView 4.28, IsoBuster 2.8.5, Keyboard patch should now work under x64, LicenseCrawler, Mail PassView 1.70, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.50.1 (31-12-2010), MBRWizard 3.0.73, MessenPass 1.40, MyUninstaller 1.70, OpenedFilesView 1.47, Opera 9.64, PasswordFox 1.26, PC Wizard 2010.1.961, PhotoRec 6.12b, PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.11, Process Explorer 14.1, PST (Outlook) Password Recovery 1.15, Recuva 1.39.509, RegScanner 1.83, Remove Fake Antivirus 1.72, Samsung ESTOOL 3.01v, SearchMyFiles 1.61, SeaTools for Dos 2.22, ShellExView 1.50, SmartSniff 1.72, Speccy 1.07.205, Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (31-12-2010), SpywareBlaster 4.4 (31-12-2010), SuperAntispyware 4.47.1000 (31-12-2010), TeamViewer 5.0.8703 (Fixed), TestDisk 6.12b, Total Commander 7.56a, USBDeview 1.84, Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.19, Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.10.
> MiniXp Wireless drivers, VBS/WSH support, Customize background, Resolution, more keyboard layouts, updated drivers and now easily add your LAN/WLAN drivers.
+ BulletsPassView 1.00: Reveal the passwords stored behind the bullet (asterisk) characters in Windows / IE (Updated Asterisk Logger) x32/x64 (Windows Freeware).
+ Calcute 7.10.4: A compact scientific tape calculator with many features (Windows Freeware).
+ CloneSpy 2.52: Duplicate file cleanup tool, can optionaly create hardlinks to save space (Windows Freeware).
+ DataRescue DD 1.0: DrDD is a disk imager intended for data recovery and backup of partially corrupted storage devices, the main advantages are Range Selection and Copy Backward Direction (Windows Freeware).
+ DiskImage 1.6: Creates and writes disk images files to hard and floppy disks (Windows Freeware).
+ DiskWipe 1.2: Securely erases the contents of a disk replacing it with random data or leaving the drive completely blank (Windows Freeware).
+ Ext2Explore 2.2.71: To explore ext2/ext3/ext4 disk/partition, can also be used to view and copy disk and file system images (Windows Freeware).
+ FbInst 1.6: A tool to create universal flash boot disk that boots from all computers (Windows Freeware).
+ Filemon 7.04: Monitors and displays file system activity on a system in real-time (Windows Freeware).
+ MyDefrag 4.3.1: Free disk defragment and optimize utility (formerly JkDefrag) for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows Freeware).
+ Regmon 7.04: A monitoring utility that will show you which applications are accessing your Registry (Windows Freeware).
+ RMPrepUSB 2.1.600: Partition and format your USB drive and make it bootable (Windows Freeware).
+ Router IP/Passwords: The complete list of Default Router Passwords and Default Router IP Addresses, can be useful if you have misplaced the manual or lost your router password (Windows Freeware).
+ SniffPass 1.12: A password monitoring tool that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, it works on POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP protocols and recovers lost Web/FTP/Email passwords x32/x64 (Windows Freeware).
+ System Explorer 2.6.1: Shows detailed system information about processes, startups, IE addons, drivers, explorer, etc. (Windows Freeware).
+ TFtpd32 3.51: Tftpd32 is for Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) client, including DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers, can also be used for PXE boot (Windows Freeware).
+ Video Memory Stress Test CE 1.21: Tests all video RAM accessible by 32-bit CPU address space from a clean environment (Dos Freeware).
+ XOSL 1.1.5: A graphical boot manager that supports multi-booting of various operating systems (Dos Freeware).
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- Jan 04 Tue 2011 20:44
Hiren's BootCD v13.0 - 經典萬用超級開機工具光碟