【檔案名稱】:Portable Wise Registry Cleaner v7.72-最安全的登錄檔清理工具
【檔案大小】:3.45 MB(解壓後)
【作業系統】:Windows All

讓您修復您的 Windows 登錄檔中任何無效的機碼,以提高您的系統效能。
因為不需安裝,您可以將 Wise Registry Cleaner 放在外部磁碟上,直接在任何電腦上執行可執行檔。這也意味著它不會將其本身的項目加入到登錄檔中。
Portable Wise Registry Cleaner 的介面乾淨、直觀。您可以啟用此工具來尋找有關 ActiveX 和 COM 物件、軟體路徑、檔案類型、説明檔、防火牆設定、字型和共用的 Dll 問題。
此外,您可以透過減少應用程式關閉時的閒置時間、改善關閉處理程序、設定 Windows 檔案總管元件在單獨的處理程序中執行以避免系統衝突、停用轉場效果來改善 Windows 外觀速度等等...來最佳化您的系統。
最重要的是,您可以執行登錄檔重組工作(需要重新啟動電腦來套用變更)、備份和還原登錄檔、透過選擇執行類型、日期和時間來排程登錄檔清理工作、啟用 Wise Registry Cleaner 自動在每日、每週或每月檢查更新,並執行正常、安全或深層掃瞄、建立排除清單和更多。
該程式需要適度的系統資源、可以引導您到具有快照的線上完整說明檔和在合理的時間內完成掃瞄、清理和重組工作。在我們的測試期間沒有錯誤突然出現,我們強烈推薦 Portable Wise Registry Cleaner 給所有使用者。
底下為 Portable Wise Registry Cleaner 的一些主要功能:
·檢查 COM/ActiveX 機碼
·檢查 Windows 字型機碼
·檢查共用的 DLL 機碼
·檢查 IE 的網址歷史記錄清單機碼
·檢查 Windows 啟動項目
Increased and optimized max connections per server.
· Enhanced optimization efficiency for Windows XP.
· Language package updated.
· Other minor improvement.
This is the portable version of Wise Registry Cleaner, a simple-to-use program that lets you repair any invalid keys in your Windows registry, in order to improve your system's performance.
Since installation is not necessary, you can place Wise Registry Cleaner on an external drive and directly run the executable file on any computer. It also means that it will not add its own entries to the registry.
The interface of Portable Wise Registry Cleaner is clean and intuitive. You can enable the tool to look for problems regarding ActiveX and COM objects, software paths, file types, help files, firewall settings, fonts and shared DLLs.
But the program can also check out user MRU lists, the uninstaller, start menu, startup programs, sound and application events, image file execution and application settings.
In addition, you can optimize your system by reducing application idle time when closing, in order to improve the shutdown process, setting Windows Explorer components to run in separate processes in order to avoid system conflicts, disabling transition effects to improve the Windows appearance speed, and more.
On top of that, you can perform a defrag task on the registry (a computer reboot is necessary to apply changes), backup and restore the registry, schedule a registry cleaning task by selecting the run type, day and time, enable Wise Registry Cleaner to automatically check for updates on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and to perform a normal, safe or deep scan, create an exclusion list, and more.
The program needs moderate system resources, can guide you to an online comprehensive help file with snapshots and takes a reasonable amount of time to a complete scanning, cleaning and defrag task. No errors have popped up during our tests and we highly recommend Portable Wise Registry Cleaner to all user levels.
Here are some key features of "Portable Wise Registry Cleaner":
Security Features:
· Full Registry Backup/Restore
· Create System Restore Point
· Create undo data for each clean-up operation.
Registry Utility Features:
· Check Registry deeply
· Check COM/ActiveX keys
· Check Application Path Keys
· Check Windows Fonts Keys
· Check Shared DLL Keys
· Check User MRU Lists
· Check Uninstall Entries
· Check File Extensions Keys
· Check IE URL History List Keys
· Check Sounds of Application Event
· Check Windows Startup Items
· Check Image File Execution Options
· Check Empty Keys Safe.
· Kill Trojans and Spywares which use registry to spread and do damage.
主檔上傳 VirusTotal 掃瞄結果(少數防毒軟體報毒乃加殼所致;喜歡、敢用者請下載使用,不喜歡、不敢用者沒人強迫您們使用請勿下載)如下:
主檔上傳 VirusTotal 掃瞄結果(少數防毒軟體報毒乃加殼所致;喜歡、敢用者請下載使用,不喜歡、不敢用者沒人強迫您們使用請勿下載)如下:
MEGA 免空載點(倘若無法下載,請用 MEGA 官方建議的 Google Chrome 瀏覽器下載):